Fitness & Fascia: MELT Master Instructor Amanda Cizek on Why NeuroStrength Matters

Amanda Cizek is a MELT Master Instructor, massage therapist, personal trainer, and founder of Consistent Wellness, an education-focused offering. So we couldn’t think of anyone better to guest-lead a discussion surrounding the connection between fascia and fitness. Originally trained in MELT in 2007, she says she was drawn to it “because I couldn’t believe the changes that happened so quickly in my body. I just had to dive in and learn more.” She’ll be hosting our free online event, “Crush Your Fitness Goals with NeuroStrength,” on 12/8/21 (register to join us free or get a link to the recording afterward here) but you can get a sneak peek of some fascia-fitness secrets and Amanda’s favorite MELT Performance moves here.
What fundamental thing do people need to realize about the connection between fascia and fitness?
The connection of fascia to fitness is that healthy, hydrated fascia is essential to injury free workouts & sports. The other essential aspect is having good stability in the shoulders, hips and core, which is what the NeuroStrength/MELT Performance program is all about. Yes, hydrated fascia is a must and that is the foundation of MELT, yet the added layers of NeuroStrength (which is self-neuromuscular therapy), is what allows those nagging chronic issues to truly be alleviated.
Can you explain a bit about the difference between a basic MELT practice incorporating the 4Rs and what expanding to add the additional 2Rs of NeuroStrength offers?
The 4Rs are the starting place, teaching people how to sense dysfunction in their bodies by reconnecting to them… That is truly the MOST important part of MELT and what separates it from other modalities. We then continue to teach people how to rebalance their nervous system, rehydrate their tissues and decompress the neck and low back in a simple yet powerful way.
The 2Rs of NS are a bit more nuanced, requiring a lot of patience, precision and focus. However, once one learns how to reintegrate and repattern muscle & joint timing, the MELT experience really has been upgraded by creating more stability & balance body wide.
What are your top 3-5 favorite MELT Performance moves (or maps) and why do you love them?
Personally, I do NeuroStrength several times during the week, and it is what I primarily teach in my classes. I love the standing moves like Monster Sidestep, Hover & Lunge and the whole Shoulder Float/Arm Circle series, as they really challenge the stabilizing mechanisms of the shoulders and hips. The more challenging the move, the more I want to do it, especially core moves like Bicycle & Pike or the moves that challenge multiple mechanisms, like Rolling Bridge. I feel my best after a good 90-minute full on NeuroStrength session!
What do you hope people leave with after joining you for the online event on 12/8?
I hope that people really see how necessary it is to take time to proactively care for your body, because it is the only one you will get! Yes, it takes time, consistency & patience but it is enjoyable & feels good, as opposed to the time, consistency & patience required for rehab/injury recovery, which is depressing & painful. A regular MELT practice is how one learns what it means to “Be Awesome In Your Body”!
Can you tell me a little bit about Consistent Wellness and how you incorporate MELT into your offerings?
My business, Consistent Wellness, is education focused. Along with the monthly Mega-Map Series I offer for the general public & instructors, I also have courses in anatomy, where I cover both the classical model of muscles, bones & biomechanics and the contemporary model of fascia and biotensegrity… I believe being bi-lingual is essential as a movement and/or manual therapist.
As for 2022, my vision is to grow the educational part of my business with more courses that will help empower movement and manual therapists to be more confident in their teaching & communications with clients. I believe that we MELT instructors have a vital message to get out to the world and the more we know, the better!
For more from Amanda:
Find her on social @beawesomeinyourbody or online as Consistent Wellness at