New Website, New Logo - MORE MELT
Excitement, Community, and Connection: More Than a Facelift It's been a few years since we last revamped our website, and now that the dust has set...
Read moreExcitement, Community, and Connection: More Than a Facelift It's been a few years since we last revamped our website, and now that the dust has set...
Read moreThe holiday season is in full swing, which means it’s time to double-down on your self-care. Staying healthy amidst the common holiday stressors – ...
Read moreHappy Halloween! And my, what a month October has been for MELT. While trying to take advantage of the glorious autumn weather in the little free t...
Read moreWith great sadness I share the news that Leon Chaitow passed away September 20, 2018. It’s hard to put words to the utter admiration I have had fo...
Read moreWelcome to the first MELT on Demand Monthly Recap! At the end of each month, we’ll be providing a recap of the four videos that were added to MELT ...
Read moreThree years ago my book “The MELT Method,” published by Harper One, hit the bookstands. Although I knew the information I was about to share was vi...
Read moreIt’s morning of my presentation at the British Fascia Symposium. There’s a buzz in this hotel. People smile and say hello. I’m not surprised as the...
Read moreI wanted to share my experiences at the British Fascia Symposium, which was held last week. I learned so much, had the chance to teach and just fel...
Read moreScars are not pretty. Burns, cuts, surgery, and abrasions can cause permanent damage in this amazing organ called the skin. The skin is just as muc...
Read moreMELT has come a long way in just the past few years and one of the things I’d dreamed about for so long has finally come true: I now have a team of...
Read moreAs 2015 comes to an end (as I do with every year), I reflect on the 12 months I’ve spent learning, growing, being challenged, failing, rising up, c...
Read moreAs the sun rose over the vast desert skyline in Southern Utah, the temperature changed more than 20-degrees from 7 a.m.-9 a.m. I looked out at thes...
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